Places to Visit in Strovolos Cyprus

 Planning a trip to Strovolos but aren't sure where to go? We're here to assist. With input from specialists on travel and tourist attractions, as well as locals, we're here to help you make your stay in Strovolos as memorable and enjoyable as possible. Here's a rundown of the top five places you must visit when you visit Strovolos.

The Cyprus Museum

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The Cyprus Museum, located in the center of Nicosia at The Cyprus Museum is the oldest and largest archaeological museum in Cyprus. Items have been found by archaeologists during numerous excavations on the island. The museum, which houses the world's most enormous collection of Cypriot antiquities, is situated on Museum Street in downtown Nicosia.

The Cyprus Museum is built on the site of an ancient theatre, which was in use from around the 6th century BCE until just after 400 CE. The location of its construction is a historical mystery that has long intrigued archaeologists. Its history goes hand-in-hand with modern archaeology in Cyprus. Only relics found on the island are on display, making it perfect for your first visit to town. Call our office at +357 22 865854 to schedule a trip to Strovolos and see us at Mouseiou 1, Nicosia, Cyprus. The Cyprus Museum can help you enjoy your stay in Strovolos.

Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia

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The Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia is located at Hippocrates 15-17, Nicosia 1011, Cyprus, and is the most well-known landmark in Strovolos.

The Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia in Cyprus houses a diverse collection of Cypriot works, including archaeological artifacts, clothing, photographs, medieval ceramics, maps and engravings, gems, and furniture.

You can see us at Hippocratous 15-17, Nicosia 1011, Cyprus, and you can get in touch with us at +357 22 661475 for any inquiries and reservations.

A. G. Leventis Gallery

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While in Strovolos, don't miss out on the opportunity to go to A. G. Leventis Gallery in Nicosia and admire The Leventis Gallery is an art gallery in Cyprus' Nicosia City Centre. It was established in 2014 and contains works by Cypriot, Greek, and European artists.

This location is well-liked among Nicosians and tourists alike, located right in the center of the island at Leonidou, Nicosia, Cyprus. Contact us at +357 22 668838 and reserve a visit to A. G. Leventis Gallery while staying in Strovolos on your next trip.

Athalassa National Forest Park

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Athalassa National Forest Park is a must-see when you go to the city of Strovolos. It's in Aglantzia, Cyprus, Woodland reserve with a lake, a botanical garden & picnic tables, as well as hiking and cycling trails.

Plan your visit to Athalassa National Forest Park by giving us a ring at +357 22 486903 and enjoy the rest of your stay at Strovolos.


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The city of Nicosia, Cyprus, is divided into two sections by the ancient Ledra Street barricade. It is a major commercial street that connects North Nicosia, which is controlled by the de facto Northern Cyprus government, to south Nicosia. The former Ledra Street barrier was across the United Nations buffer zone; therefore, you should visit Ledras if you haven't already done so.

 Conveniently established at Lendras Street, you could easily come by from where you're staying and get a bite to eat when you're done!

Read our blog about The Best Hotels In Strovolos Cyprus For Your Rest and Relaxation
